2009年1月23日 星期五

Another Eat, Pray, Love Quote

…A true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you
everything that’s holding you back, the person who brings you to your own
attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most
important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and
smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever. Nah. Too painful.
Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself
to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it.

(pg. 149) Eat, Pray, Love

Some people believe that a person who comes into your life to help you grow is not someone you would want to live with because of the resistance to change. A true soul mate is not a fool, but a very wise being who will walk away when you refuse to change your ways.

It is sad that people think that real love means the happy fairy tale, but got to tell people what they want to hear to sell books I guess. No wonder the divorce rate is over 50% and number of single people is the highest it has ever been. If it involves work and suffering, it can’t possibly be love?

These days values, morals, and discipline is everything that’s bad for you because happiness is all about feeling good and doing what you want.

2009年1月12日 星期一

"I want somebody to sleep with the rest of my life, and cuddle up during a movie, on a couch. Stay up all night talking about nothing. Get lost in the woods together. Challenge me, challenge him. Talk about dreams, make dreams, make love in the candle light, in the car, in the shower, in the woods while were lost. Have fights, the kind that only really matter just as long as you’re having them. Someone I can wrestle with, you know, play hard sometimes and not worry about breaking a nail or an arm. A guy who will bring me flowers, once in a while, maybe a rock too or a shell of some sort. Something he saw that made him think of me, made him think "this might make my girl smile" as he smiles to himself. A guy who wants me, maybe even needs me, just a little, enough to hold onto me with everything he's got..."

Since the first time you ran your fingers through my hair, since the first time our hands became one, since the first time your kisses took away my pain, I knew I’d never be the same.

You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart

Intimacy is a four syllable word for, "Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy." It's both desired, and feared. Difficult to live with, and impossible to live without. Intimacy also comes attached to the three R's... relatives, romance, and roommates. There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know. -grey's anatomy

Please just dont give up on me. Because underneath all my mistakes, imperfections, and dissapointments, im just a simple girl who really does love you, and im sorry if sometimes im just a little to shy to show it.

You changed my world with just one smile, you took my heart with just one kiss.

A kiss is just a kiss till you find the one you love... a hug is just a hug till you find the one your always thinking of... a dream is just a dream till it comes true... love is just a word till it's proven to you.