Look catalog and runway sexy with my easy tips to look like a Victoria’s Secret model any day of the week! 1. This look is really the VS model on her way to work. Not the complete underwear look! But this will have people thinking you’re a VS model. BODY: 2. DIET: 3. BEAUTY: 4. Now the other bounce…the “girls”. VS models flaunt their goods, but you can do the same and still be modest AND sexy. Invest in a good fitting bra. If you have never been fit for a bra, get a professional fitting. Try on different styles until you find the right one. I love the balconette cut neckline that Scarlet Johansson usually wears in her dress. Get a balconette bra for instant sexiness. 5. Make-up should be fresh and feminine. Try a pinky blush like Nars Orgasm ;) for a natural look, then use a red lip stain for a bitten look. That and some black mascara is really all you need. 6. FASHION: Get matching underwear to avoid the “superhero” effect which is basically wearing panties that don’t match your bra. Anyone who has been guilty of this crime please raise your hands. (Mine’s up too) 7. Try some skinny jeans that fit well. For curvy girls, wear these with knee boots. For slim girls, wear heels. 8. Wear a black or white fitted tee. Why not wear a Victoria’s Secret one that says SEXY or Victoria’s Secret? It’ll look like you’re on your way to a photo shoot! 9. Get a cropped jacket. Either a leather jacket, ski coat or pea coat. Make sure it hits at the waist or a little higher. 10. Add a little sweet perfume like Coco Chanel Mademoiselle or Amarige Givency behind your ears and get ready to turn heads everywhere you go! Miranda Kerr’s diet consists mostly of carbohydrates and lean protein-rich foods, such as egg whites, cottage cheese, oatmeal, vegetables, muesli, fruit and, of course, yogurt. For lunch she has something very light, like a salad with chicken or fish, while dinner mainly consists of fish, turkey or chicken and, of course, vegetables. Her workout is usually a combination of exercises targeting all muscle groups, but which places emphasis on her legs. Thus, Gelband says, Kerr does 30 minutes on her legs, 30 on her core, arms and balance, and 15 minutes on stretching afterwards. To keep her legs lean and toned (and, of course, cellulite-free), Miranda also does a 5-kilometer run and weight work, plus some boxing on the side. HEIDI KLUM'S DIET Klum's day started with a protein shake (180 calories), followed at 10 a.m. by a 4-egg-white omelet with vegetables. Lunch might be broccoli sauteed in a teaspoon of olive oil, skinless chicken and salad. May be 10-12 raw almonds as a 4 p.m. snack. For dinner, Klum might have another protein shake, or a small meal like a cup of turkey chili. On the low-carb diet's list of no-no's: corn on the cob and pasta, which were replaced with lentils or kidney beans. At some things, however, Klum balked. "If I want a banana," she says firmly, "I eat a banana." Beyonce's lemonade recipe: -Organic Lemons To prepare one serving of the Lemonade Diet Recipe drink, you would require -2 tablespoons of lemon juice You should consume from 6 - 12 servings of lemonade drink a day for either 3 day or 10 day.
Try to get in a 30 minute aerobic workout everyday! Do something you enjoy to stick with it. Try belly dancing, yoga, kickboxing or my favorite…dancing! Stretch for at least 15 minutes before and after and drink plenty of water. While we all can’t be 6 feet tall and 120 lbs, we can look good at our own healthy weight and be healthy. Then we get to work what we got with confidence!
Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, lean fish and chicken and healthy snacks. Keep a log of what you eat everyday.
First, you need big bouncy…hair! (We’ll get to the other bounce later) For a shortcut to that luscious mane, blow dry your hair upside down, then place Velcro rollers throughout and leave them on for 15 minutes. Take them out and you’ll have a big, full mane! For those with short hair (like me) add a ponytail extension or have a cute wig for the same look!
-Grade B Organic Maple Syrup (not the maple syrup on the breakfast table)
-Cayenne Pepper (preferably powdered instead of capsules)
-Unrefined Sea Salt
-Filtered Water
-2 tablespoons of maple syrup
-1/10 tablespoons of cayenne pepper
-10 oz of filtered water
2009年12月28日 星期一
Victoria's Secret
Beyonce's lemonade recipe: -Organic Lemons To prepare one serving of the Lemonade Diet Recipe drink, you would require -2 tablespoons of lemon juice You should consume from 6 - 12 servings of lemonade drink a day for either 3 day or 10 day.
-Grade B Organic Maple Syrup (not the maple syrup on the breakfast table)
-Cayenne Pepper (preferably powdered instead of capsules)
-Unrefined Sea Salt
-Filtered Water
-2 tablespoons of maple syrup
-1/10 tablespoons of cayenne pepper
-10 oz of filtered water
2009年12月27日 星期日
2009 in a nutshell.
2009 is coming to an end. I'm thinking about the good and the bad and what's bad is there's a bad following every good and a good lacking for every bad..
- Death. Michael Jackson, Patrick Swayze, Farrah Fawcet - btw, sad because her death got drowned out by MJ mourners..
- Friends. Losing a handful but only to realize that it's good because I now know who's going to be there and who's not..
- Car accidents.
- Bank statement :(
- Broken laptop
- Mark. Best boyfriend everrrr.
- Boston & Baltimore trip!
- Thanksgiving with relatives
- Money
- Youtube
- Having awesome best friends. Megan, Sophia, Connie, Gabby, Arianne, Becka etc.
- Coffee! esp Starbucks
- Discounts / friendly sales who give employee discount.
張貼者: Vagabond 於 晚上11:28
2009年8月29日 星期六
2009年8月15日 星期六
心理測驗 [ 感情 女生 ] 妳是一個好命的女人嗎
2009年6月25日 星期四
To M
You're my special someone - and you have been for quite some time now too.
I love you, so much, for everything do and everything that you are.
Thank you for those hugs, those small breakfast dates from early 2009, countless Farmer's Market brunches, an exasperated exclamation because we ordered the same damn food again...
Thank you for cuddling me when I know you just want to roll over and pass out, for apologizing when it's clearly my fault - but you apologize anyway because you know I am upset, for kissing me in the middle of the night when you're pulling the covers...
Thank you for round two's, for always doing the most outrageous and ridiculous activities with me just to make me happy (ie, skipping across Mill's Lawn & coloring in Disney's princess coloring book), for adjusting so your lips touch mine when we fall asleep so it's like we're kissing.
Thank you for worrying about me when I don't get enough sleep or finish my homework on time.
Thank you for picking me flowers and learning how to do miscellaneous tasks just to make me happy.
Thank you for telling me: You can call me anytime you get lonely/bored/miss me.
Thank you for being there when I need you; from bringing me my flip flops to staying with me when you clearly had to be somewhere on the night we had our second kiss.
I miss you, so much.
Thank you for picking up my calls when you can't, and for staying on the phone with me when I have nightmares.
Thank you for saying the sweetest and most adorable words to me. You, are amazing.
And I love you just as much - if not more.
I know sometimes I don't show how much I appreciate it with my immature tantrums but really, you are the world to me.
I love you, Mark.
張貼者: Vagabond 於 凌晨3:50
2009年6月23日 星期二
you think you know me but you, have no idea.
- describe your personal style.
- what are the staples in your wardrobe?
- what’s your signature look?
- what inspires you?
- who is your fashion muse?
- favorite purchase of all time?
- biggest splurge?
- what’s your beauty routine?
- what jewelry do you never take off?
- what are you wishing for?
- what are your obsessions?
張貼者: Vagabond 於 凌晨1:09
2009年6月21日 星期日
2009年6月18日 星期四
2009年6月11日 星期四
張貼者: Vagabond 於 凌晨2:53
2009年6月9日 星期二
Pets =)
Love those Russian Blues. If I get cats, they'll be the ones I get.
I'd like to see the reaction on some would-be burglar's face when they see THAT looking back at him. It would be a blast to have a Great Dane or English Mastiff. They have a happy personality and scare the crap out of people even though they are big friendly fiants. Bonus: Less shedding.
Winston Churchill is rumored to have said: "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."
張貼者: Vagabond 於 凌晨2:03
2009年6月3日 星期三
Europe Holiday
2009年6月2日 星期二
Clairol nice n' easy
119C Natural Dark Spice
130 Medium Reddish Brown
L'Oreal natural match color
creme gloss 4n dark brown
2009年6月1日 星期一
2009年5月31日 星期日
2009年5月11日 星期一
2009年5月10日 星期日
Meyers vs Rice
Taken from here.
This is a weird idea i've had in my head for a while. I thought i'd share it with you.
LESTAT DE LIONCOURT, a beautiful seductive blond vampire is walking down a deserted street in the French Quarter. He is looking for his latest kill. There is no one else on the street with him.
Or is there? Footsteps are heard int he distance. Lestat turns. A victim? Lestat hides in the shadows and pounces on the boy walking down the street. there is a scuttle, Lestat pins him to the floor, and just as he is about to feed on him, the boy speaks.
Don't! I'm one of you!LESTAT
(Speaks like a cross between a new orleans boatman and Sam Spade.)
What do you mean?BOY
I'm a vampire! My name is Edward Cullen.LESTAT
I'm sorry! My name's Lestat de Lioncourt. I mistook you for a human. Come, hunt with me.EDWARD
I'm sorry, i'd love to, but i don't drink human blood.LESTAT
(moment of silence)
Don't drink human blood? How do you survive?EDWARD
Every week my father takes me and my family hunting, and we drink animal blood.LESTAT
(moment of silence. then laughs histerically)
Animal blood! Animal blood! But human blood is so tasty--the act of taking it is so sensual, better than sex. Many a fine hour have i spent feasting on mortals! It is what we vampires are for. And you're seventy years old and still living with a coven! Vampires are solitary creatures, there's no way we can coexist!EDWARD
Not me! I am in love with a mortal and i will not drink human blood!LESTAT
In love....with a mortal?EDWARD
Her name is Bella Swan.LESTAT
I see...but surely you're planning on turning her?EDWARD
I will never share my curse with Bella! I love her too much.LESTAT
Vampirism is not a curse! You must enjoy your immortality. ( pause) You remind me of Louis. Except not as tortured and philosophical. You're a boring teenage version of Louis. Do you know that?EDWARD
Who's Louis?LESTAT
One of my lovers. Except not really. He's in love with Claudia. But she's dead, and it's kinda my fault. I'm madly in love with him. Because he reminds me of Nicolas. Also dead. My fault as well. But what do you know of this sort of thing, mon petit?EDWARD
.....I tried to kill myself once.LESTAT
So have i. Did you step into the sun? i did, only to find that due to consuming the blood of the mother of all vampires, i am too strong and cannot be killed. Therefore, i am doomed never to die, even if i want to.EDWARD
I stepped into the sun so people would see me sparkling like diamonds and hopefully kill me.LESTAT
You sparkle in sunlight....so you can go out during the day?EDWARD
Sure, i do it all the time.LESTAT
(lunges at Edward with all his preturnatural strengh)
You bastard! Do you know what i would do to see the sun again!
Don't you understand somehting, vampirism comes with benefits, such as immortality, telepathy, things like that, but it also comes at a price, and one of those is that YOU CANNOT SEE THE SUN, OR YOU DIE! That's what's wrong with your stupid vampires--it's too easy for you! You can surivie on miniscual amounts of blood--we have to kill to live. You can go out during the day--we burn if we see the sun. You can have sex--we are sterile. We are tortured souls--you play baseball.EDWARD
Well we have warewolves chasing after us....LESTAT
It's been done!EDWARD
And i have an incurable thirst for my beloved's blood, a thirst so dangerous, i left her once to protect her and--LESTAT
Oh, really? Is that the extent of your troubles? I awoke the Queen Of the Damed with my kick-ass violin playing, who then proceeded to destroy the world, while i watched helplessly. What have you ever done that coould constitute conflict?EDWARD
THere was a vampire trying to feed on my girl once...LESTAT
Laisse il! Let him! No one likes your stupid Bella anyway! Now Claudia, there's a fully developed charecter who has charecter traits other than ' is in love with Edward.'EDWARD
I have had enough of your angsty teenage vampire problems!Lestat focuses really hard and sets Edward on fire, since he can do that since the third book. Edward burns uncontrollably from the inside out and dies. BELLA SWAN hears the rucus and runs out of the house.
Edward! Oh, Edward!Lestat pounces on the annoying teenage bitch and drinks her blood. He smacks his lips, fixes his hair, and gets up to go, setting both bodies on fire with his awesome power of pyrokenisis to destroy the evidence. Lestat then goes home and all the vampires celebrate with a huge vampire party that their angsty teenage rip offs are dead. Armand brings over Time Bandits to watch for the millionth time, and everyone hits him.
Just a little fantasy. What do you think?
張貼者: Vagabond 於 上午8:54
Love Actually
Fun fact: the relationships from Love Actually are meant to convey the many types of love. For example: love at first sight, unrequited love, infatuation, etc.
There are at least a dozen forms of love depicted in the movie:
Marital Love: Keira Knightley marrying her hubby
Unrequited Love: Keira Knightley and her husband's best friend
Love at First Sight: Hugh Grant (the Prime Minister) and his tea and biscuits server
Workplace Love: John and Judy, the standins for the sex scenes that fall in love while working together.
Familial Love: Liam Neeson and his (step)son deal with the grief of losing Mom
Physical Love: Colin (the British guy) comes to America to get up on hot girls from Wisconsin.
Long Distance Love: Colin Firth and his Portuguese helper:
Sacrificial Love: Laura Linney giving up her crush on her coworker to be with her institutionalized brother.
Cheatin' Love: Alan Rickman being tempted by his secretary.
Infatuation: Liam Neeson's stepson having a crush on the best singer in his class
Taken-for-Granted Love: Emma Thompson about to realize that her husband (Alan Rickman) is having an affair
Platonic Love: Bill Nighy (the rock and roll singer) and his manager:
(I thought these two were actually secretly in gay love, but Wikipedia says that it's platonic, so it must be true. Apparently, straight men like to get drunk and
I've experienced 9 out of the 12 forms of love (as defined by Love Actually)... how about you?
張貼者: Vagabond 於 上午8:50
2009年5月6日 星期三
2009年4月8日 星期三
ENG 140: Micro-Theme yoga journal
Sally Kempton’s article, Getting to Know You, talks about her journey to self-discovery. In this rapidly changing world, Kempton proposes thought provoking questions that help her explore her identity. Kempton continues to pursue the answer to her question–“what defines me?” (Kempton 59)—but it was not until years later that she discovered that her answer may not be as simple because she is more complex than she originally thought. The yoga philosophy text, Taittiriya Upanishad, described human beings with five layers which “interpenetrate[s] each other, encasing the soul like the layers of an onion” (Kempton 60). The five layers are: physical sheath, vital energy sheath, mental sheath, wisdom sheath, and bliss sheath. Kempton proposes exercise routines to help reach a deeper level in the sheaths and hopefully transcend into the bliss sheath to eventually realize that life is good.
Kempton points out that our identity is shaped by an unstable environment, causing our sense of self to be lost throughout the events, places, people, and other phenomenon that we encounter. However, I agree with that fact that with the knowledge of our layers we can adjust according as to what areas in ones attitude need to be adjusted. As Kempton struggles to define herself, she reveals the complexity of an individual, which is the primary challenge in exploring her core. Kempton explains how each sheath comes into play as a different identity, starting with the outermost layer known as the physical sheath.
For me personally, I have realized that when I am able to acknowledge my state and thus identify myself, I tend to be more content regardless of the emotions I am experiencing. During yoga sessions especially in shivasana, Theresa and Lezlie would remind us to make peace with ourselves: recognize and acknowledge what you are feeling and then let it go. The path to enlightenment is to be able to liberate my superficial needs from this world. When I hold on to such matters, my mind tends to become clustered and I would dwell in that level and end up preventing myself from proceeding to the next level closer to the core. For example, I remember the time my roommate woke me up by pounding on the door in the middle of the night, thinking the door is locked. I was furious with her inconsideration. She then left to party the rest of the night away, leaving me with futile attempts of falling back asleep. I was way too upset to calm myself down, but by breathing and acknowledging my state, I was able to adjust my attitude towards the situation. To know is to be, and thus in order to discover my inner self, I need to understand what I am experiencing.
After reading Kempton’s article, I am more conscious about how my attitude can influence my identity. As long as I am well-grounded into my beliefs and, as Kempton puts it, “my inner core of goodness” (Kempton 59), then losing my identity in any unstable environment would be not be possible.
張貼者: Vagabond 於 清晨5:57
標籤: college foliage
2009年3月22日 星期日
Love the way you love me.
It's nearly 6 am. At least in another good 30 minutes it would be...
I am lying in bed, thinking.
Of nothing else but you.
You make my bad day good and
my good day better.
If I should describe our relationship
It would, no doubt, be the ocean and the shore.
The constant attraction between us keeps us near each other
and we would never stop feeling that desire to be close.
張貼者: Vagabond 於 凌晨1:34
2009年3月9日 星期一
2009年3月7日 星期六
Tattoo Ideas
This symbol is used when you need to increase the power of Reiki energy. Takata Sensei called this the "Invocation of Universal Power."Cho Ku Rei [Choke-koo-ray]
張貼者: Vagabond 於 晚上8:59
The importance of parenting even when you aren't a parent.
What I've discovered over spring break, is the tremendous influence that everything that surrounds us has upon every aspect of our lives. Amazing what some time off studying can do huh? Self-enlightenment is wonderful. Parenting for example, is a way to really screw up a kid for the rest of their lives. Abuse in all forms, neglect, too much praise, not enough praise, too much discipline, not enough discipline - parenting in general establishes the "core beliefs" with which kids (or rather I should just say PEOPLE) view the world and themselves. Such "core beliefs" are so "core" that we see them not as beliefs nor as something that was learned, but as a truth or a reality. These are the beliefs from where we get our "attitude" or "outlook on life" and the scary part is: it all starts with those influences of parenting.
If one were to think "life is a struggle" or "I'm powerless" such a person would find themselves impeded when it comes to difficulties in life because they feel like they are incapable by nature. We talk ourselves in to much of our anxiety by self-criticism, what-if thinking, or even perfectionist thinking and all this "self-talk" begins with our basic core beliefs of how we see ourselves and life.
Parenting, thus, becomes a heavy responsibility that I don't know if I'd ever be able to take on given what I've seen. But what I've realized is all of us are influences because of our interactions with our environment and those that are in it with us; we influence and in turn are influenced. In a way, we are parenting them and vice-versa. Society parents its people, whether it be a controlling authoritative government that strips its citizens of their freedoms and makes them believe they are incapable without a leader, or perhaps a liberal democracy that empowers the man and encourages each individual's freedom of choice.
I keep thinking back to Blue Scholar's lyrics, "eyes up to the sky she sighs 'i need nobody. true indeed sister, but you still need everybody because we hardly know ourselves if we know nobody else." For the longest time I didn't really agree, with some unfamiliarity with ourselves without other people is in a way the explanation of us as a product of all those influences even though we have the CONTROL (which is important) ultimately of how we react to such influences. We only grow, discover, and develop ourselves by reacting to the influences of life (the environment) - by society, by parents, and by people around us.
We've been parenting our whole lives. In a sense we've always been responsible for everyone around us and thus, in turn responsible and in control of ourselves.
With that, my last a thought: Without negative "core beliefs" impeding you, or in other words, if you knew you could not fail, what would you strive for?
張貼者: Vagabond 於 晚上8:52
2009年3月4日 星期三
I Like Where We Are
I love God, Jesus, and the trinity's distinct as well as inseparable relationship. I believe in Him but I am not a Christian. I may be Buddhist too because I believe in self-enlightenment. When I went to church and heard that god is not the external authority figure, which is by the way, something I've somehow associated him as, but that he is in you as you are the temple of the holy ghost. Perhaps what I'm suggesting is ludicrous, but maybe in a way that is the same as SELF-enlightenment. From Evan Almighty, Morgan Freeman or "God" says to Joan (Evans wife)
"Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"
God gives us these opportunities to better ourselves but it is ultimately your will to choose and grow from such choices. To me this is, in a way, SELF determination in a less aggressive sense. I think about religion so much and I always somehow end up no where, believing I could never encounter a balance or realization of which story (or in another sense, which religion,) is best told because they all sound so good wen I'm hearing it. Somehow I have this ability to appreciate each song/story/perspective and that's why sometimes I find myself unable to be mad at anyone and unable to decide what is right and what is wrong.
Perhaps the song G.O.D. (Gaining Ones Definition) - Common says it best .
Some say that God is Black and the Devil's White
Well, the Devil is wrong and God is what's right
I fight, with myself in the ring of doubt and fear
The rain ain't gone, but I can still see clear
Because ultimately devil represents the bad the unappreciative unaware and God is what's right. He, she or it is what drives you. In a way,
Some say that God is ______ and the Devil's ______
Well, the Devil is wrong and God is what's right.
I left the words blank because I wanted to make a point that it doesn't matter what you say after that if your god is Buddha, Allah, or God and the trinity.... without the story and the label it is ultimately the same drive; stories and labels just help people understand or tap access to the ideas or beliefs or decision makers as I like to think of them. I love this song so I really recommend listening to it for the lyrics since so many underground artists have proven the lyrics are deep and can really enlighten a situation giving you an insightful perspective.
I feel like all my thinking is "fight[ing] with myself in the ring of doubt and fear" and even though I haven't come to a set conclusion ("The rain aint gone") I really can "still see clear." I'm okay with this. I like where we are.
I feel so foolish thinking and trying to understand and absorb everything around me when I'm around people who don't because there's tension and expectations and closedness. Just a deeper understanding of yourself and others - enlightenment realizing the god in you and in others - opens up those blocked out obstructions to understanding of any perspective. The connection you feel with anything around you is great. It is because everything is made by god and all has god in them that you are connected. you won't discriminate or hold bad judgments as a grudge and won't even get mad as easily. After all, being mad is so bad for your health, because its not relaxing and understanding, this brings peace instead of war. Those who interpret God or Allah or Buddha as DIVIDING, classifying, and separating people by specifying an allegiance (like when answering questions from strangers regarding religious affiliation) you are SADLY mistaken (all, of course, is just my own opinion) because God ultimately should be an understanding unifying connecting loving force not one that divides......right? and I say force because it drives people toward where they should be or where would benefit them ultimately. one of my most admired friends, rob, once tried to explain to me how he felt. that god is the realization of something bigger than yourself. in his terms god is that realization of the sanctity of your choices, the sanctity of others and things around you because you are ultimately connected in a bigger way than yourself.
Understanding and wisdom became the rhythm that I played to
And became a slave to master self
A rich man is one with knowledge, happiness and his health
My mind had dealt with the books of Zen, Tao the lessons
Koran and the Bible, to me they all vital
And got truth within 'em, gotta read them boys
You just can't skim 'em, different branches of belief
But one root that stem 'em, but people of the venom try to trim 'em
And use religion as an emblem
When it should be a natural way of life
Who am I or they to say to whom you pray ain't right
That's who got you doin right and got you this far
Whether you say "in Jesus name" or Hum do Allah
Long as you know it's a bein' that's supreme to you
You let that show towards others in the things you do
When I feel myself in pain or facing a hardship I feel myself in the presence of the god in me and outside of me in other people and things and the world. Sometimes the irony in trying to fully understanding god will be so much work that it would be tedious and such a long drawl that it is almost a state of almost death. The amount of intense pain I feel when I try so hard to understand. It is painfully challenging but I crave to know and understand; it is in a way a crazy drug of bettering myself no matter what way.
When things get rough and each day is more dreary after the next, I am reminded that life goes on and some how it is alright to keep "happy" as a memory. After all, we are given by God the amazing ability to survive and adapt because life DOES keep going on. We don't have to keep the memory in the present because memories can be what memories should be. In a way, there's a beauty in the way that all works out.Those feelings and people and stories remain perfect in whatever they were - unchangeable. If we can't change the moment since each moment we pass is permanent. The beauty of the past and of life and time in general is in the perfection of its preservation without biasness. Good, bad, positive, negative - what happened happened right? and we're still moving forward! Unalterable, and somehow it's okay that way.
I like where we are.
張貼者: Vagabond 於 上午8:36
2009年3月3日 星期二
Snow Patrol - The Planets Bend Between Us
The winter's marked the earth
it's floored with frozen glass
you slip into my arms
and you quickly correct yourself
your freezing speech bubbles
seem to hold your words aloft
i want the smoky clouds of laughter
to swim about me forever more
i will race you to the waterside
and from the edge of ireland shout out loud
so they could hear it in america
it's all for you
the shells crack under our shoes
like punctuation points
the planets bend between us
and a hundred million suns and stars
the sea filled in the silence
before you said those words
and now even in the darkness
i can see how happy you are
i will race you to the waterside
and from the edge of ireland shout out loud
so they could hear it in america
it's all for you
it's all for you
2009年2月16日 星期一
Tomorrow is another day
I read this today and it got me thinking of how we all do it. We only pray in the times of need, hoping that God will be there to fix our problems or rekindle a broken relationship. we pray for a sick friend, the starving. We pray for ourselves when we need something. I mean, it's not that it's wrong, but what does He get in return?
I'm guilty of this myself. We need to pray in times of trouble but never forget to pray when things are going well. How often to you count your blessings? When you're having a bad day, of course it's not wrong to pray, but when you're having a good day, pray in to be appreciative, to be thankful for the people He put in your life that love and surround you. count your blessings. While it's good to pray for the starving or the sick, why not also do something about it? Bring them food, stay by the sick friends side. It's easy to say a few quick words to God, but it shows true character to show an act of kindness. If you pray-it's great to pray for those in need or for something you need in your life. But before you go to bed, also think of all your blessings.
And for those who don't pray, how many times do you hear people complain or say "I'm having such a bad day"? It's not wrong to state you're having a bad day, but how many times do you hear people say they're having a good day, or make a positive comment about things? Not nearly as much. It's all in your ability to turn a situation around. When you're having a bad day, laugh it off. Find something good in it. Tomorrow is another day. Just remember to be thankful for the days you have that are amazing. Pay attention to the good and the happy times you're having, not just the bad, and you'll be a happier person. ♥
張貼者: Vagabond 於 下午2:43
2009年2月6日 星期五
Easy Come, Easy Go
You know how whenever you first meet someone, the question crosses your mind: friend of foe?
I remember TB telling me how the first second you allow someone to be close to you, you have given them the permission to break you.
In the earliest stage, it isn't quite so bad, only little fibers of adoration that resemble silky spider web seems to link your brain and your heart to this object/character of desire. If you end it at this point, you can more or less just brush it off and move on.
Moving on to stage two, this is where those fibers start having little fish hooks on the ends and it takes more effort than a simple brushing off to detach by now.
The final stage of attachment is when the association is so strong, the fibers are no longer just thin strands, but is a rope composed of those fibers and the hooks are now rooted into your heart. When you yank the hooks out, there seems to be an eternal bleeding. The scar is hideous, and it seems as if your muscle has learned to grow around the hook that it does not help the situation whatsoever.
I really don't know how long we will last, how we will end, how many ups and downs we will go through...
But I'm hoping that I won't be disappointed, or that you won't hurt me.
Love isn't an easy come, easy go.
張貼者: Vagabond 於 晚上10:03
2009年1月23日 星期五
Another Eat, Pray, Love Quote
…A true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you
everything that’s holding you back, the person who brings you to your own
attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most
important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and
smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever. Nah. Too painful.
Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself
to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it.
(pg. 149) Eat, Pray, Love
Some people believe that a person who comes into your life to help you grow is not someone you would want to live with because of the resistance to change. A true soul mate is not a fool, but a very wise being who will walk away when you refuse to change your ways.
It is sad that people think that real love means the happy fairy tale, but got to tell people what they want to hear to sell books I guess. No wonder the divorce rate is over 50% and number of single people is the highest it has ever been. If it involves work and suffering, it can’t possibly be love?
These days values, morals, and discipline is everything that’s bad for you because happiness is all about feeling good and doing what you want.
張貼者: Vagabond 於 上午10:41
2009年1月12日 星期一
"I want somebody to sleep with the rest of my life, and cuddle up during a movie, on a couch. Stay up all night talking about nothing. Get lost in the woods together. Challenge me, challenge him. Talk about dreams, make dreams, make love in the candle light, in the car, in the shower, in the woods while were lost. Have fights, the kind that only really matter just as long as you’re having them. Someone I can wrestle with, you know, play hard sometimes and not worry about breaking a nail or an arm. A guy who will bring me flowers, once in a while, maybe a rock too or a shell of some sort. Something he saw that made him think of me, made him think "this might make my girl smile" as he smiles to himself. A guy who wants me, maybe even needs me, just a little, enough to hold onto me with everything he's got..." Since the first time you ran your fingers through my hair, since the first time our hands became one, since the first time your kisses took away my pain, I knew I’d never be the same. Intimacy is a four syllable word for, "Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy." It's both desired, and feared. Difficult to live with, and impossible to live without. Intimacy also comes attached to the three R's... relatives, romance, and roommates. There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know. -grey's anatomy Please just dont give up on me. Because underneath all my mistakes, imperfections, and dissapointments, im just a simple girl who really does love you, and im sorry if sometimes im just a little to shy to show it. You changed my world with just one smile, you took my heart with just one kiss. A kiss is just a kiss till you find the one you love... a hug is just a hug till you find the one your always thinking of... a dream is just a dream till it comes true... love is just a word till it's proven to you.
You are my light in the dark
You are the beating in my heart
張貼者: Vagabond 於 清晨7:27